Dr. Benjamin Spock is the most trusted name in child care today. And he is the most famous pediatrician worldwide. His reassuring and commonsense advice has shaped parenting practices for over half a century. The author of eleven books, he was a political activist for causes that vitally affect children: disarmament, day care, schooling, housing, and free, good quality medical care for all. Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care has been translated into thirty-nine languages and has sold more than fifty million copies worldwide since it’s first publication in 1946. Life magazine listed Dr. Spock as one of the most influential figures of our time, by changing the way the world raises their children. Ms. Magazine calls him one of the great heroes for women’s causes. Dr. Spock still remains the trusted guide in parenting world wide. His gentle, caring wisdom has helped shape the way parents raise their children in this modern world by teaching kindness, respect, and love.

Dr. Robert Needlman is Professor of Pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and Director of the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland. The author of Dr. Spock’s Baby Basics, he also coauthored the eighth and ninth editions of Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care. Dr. Needlman is cofounder of Reach Out and Read, a child literacy program that has received the UNESCO Confucius Prize and the David M. Rubenstein Prize from the Library of Congress, among other honors.